Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Tucuman"

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Q: Tucuman is located in the middle of Argentina. The wather is always windy. In summer it is boiling and raining with temperatures going from 25 to 35 degrees and floods are very common in this country side. In winter it is dry and cold and it never snow in the city.
It is one of the most important cities of the country because its architecture, art and history, you can visit place like "La manzana jesuitica" an historical complex which from 17th century. there are also art museums like Calafate museo and Ferreyra Palace.
The bigest shopping in the city are Portal Tucumán and Shopping Solar del Cerro, Ideal if you want to visit a crowded place and buy some souveniers. Otherwise you can go to "Peñas", representative events where people dance traditional dancings sing and have typical drinks and foods. Nightlife in Tucuman is exciting, you can go to neighbourdhoods in the center of in the center of the city like el Centro or Guemes where there are a great number of nightclubs and pubs.
Tourist will never get bored in Tucuman because the city offerts a lots of different activities to do, it is pletly of places to relax and to go sightseeing, and there is always something new to discovere about the city.All in all tucuman is the perfect place to go on holiday vacation. soa natural?

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