Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Tonga"

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Q: In Tonga, undersea volcanic eruption caused serious damages such as tsunami and volcanic ashes.
In January 20th, Kishi of the Ministry of Defend commanded Self-Defense Force to help the people of Tonga, and he said”the Self-Defense Fore has many experiences in helping in disaster area.”
The people need drinkable water because volcanic ashes polluted tap water.
Self-Defense Force will deliver water by two airplanes.
The machines cleaning ashes and helicopters will be sent by ships.
Six Self-Defense Forces are to go to Australia so as to collect information about disaster cooperate with other countries. soa natural?
Q: In Tonga, undersea volcanic eruption caused serious damages such as tsunami and volcanic ashes.
In January 20th, Kishi of the Ministry of Defend commanded Self-Defense Force to help the people of Tonga, and he said”the Self-Defense Fore has many experiences in helping in disaster area.”
The people need drinkable water because volcanic ashes polluted tap water.
Self-Defense Force will deliver water by two airplanes.
The machines cleaning ashes and helicopters will be sent by ships.
Six Self-Defense Forces are to go to Australia so as to collect information about disaster cooperate with other countries. soa natural?

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