Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Christchurch"

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Q: Christchurch mosque shootings on March 15th claimed fifty people and the death tolls of Sri Lanka Easter bombings have gone over three hundred. I express my deepest sorrow for the victims of these brutal attacks, both of which is regarded as from religious motives.
Indiscriminate terrorisms are despicable acts. Religion, in many cases supposed to have originated for salvating people, should have tolerance to all the people. Of course the principal and the faith are very important, but excessive fundamentalism can be dangerous and harmful when it is rigid and exclusive.
Japan is a country where religious tolerance is prevailing all over. This is due to the achievements of three eminent heroes about four centuries ago, I presume. soa natural?
A: Christchurch mosque shootings on March 15th claimed fifty lives and the death toll of Sri Lanka Easter bombings has crossed three hundred. (I would like to express my deepest sympathy / My heartfelt condolences go out) to the victims of these brutal attacks, both of which are (regarded as a form of religious bigotry / thought to have religious motives).

>> “Indiscriminate terrorisms” - there is no such thing as “discriminate terrorism”, so just “Terrorism”:

Terrorism is despicable.

In many cases religions are supposed to have originated as a means of salvation, (should have tolerance to all the people —> sorry, I don’t know how to connect this to the previous part of this sentence).

>> Fundamentalism is by definition the strictest interpretation of the scripture possible, so it cannot be extreme. Fundamentalism = religious extremism = rigid and exclusive.

Of course the principles of faith are very important*, but fundamentalism can be dangerous and harmful.

* of course the problem is that at least in the case of Islam, it’s principles of jihad are very unambiguous, and what fundamentalists did was exactly what their books (Quran and Hadith) instruct them to do. I never understood how can one believe that a certain book was dictated by God (as Muslims believe about Quran) and at the same time feel free to not take some passages seriously?! I think there is absolutely no intellectually respectable way to combine the “principles of faith” of Islam with “tolerance for all creeds”.

Japan is a country where religious tolerance is high. I think this must be due to (achievements/the work) of three (heroes / eminent scholars / luminaries) around four centuries ago.

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