Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "California"

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Q: I would like to travel California if I can go abroad.
There are several reasons.
First, I want to chill out at the beach. I can take my mind off of my work and bad things which make me depressed when I see the ocean. Moreover, the sound of the sea makes me calm down. I want to spend a lot of time lying on the beach and soaking up the sun since I'm always sitting on my desk at my office. I saw the travel magazine that there are a lot of beach in California. I would like to stay the hotel near the beach. It would be great if there is the private pool in the hotel.

Secondly, there is Disneyland in California. They opened one of the first theme parks in Anaheim a long time ago. I would like to stay the hotel in the park even if it's expensive to stay there. I heard from one of my Americans friends that It's pretty vast to explore only for one day. I'm curious that how much bigger than Tokyo Disneyland. I used to go there with my friends every Christmas when I was in Japan since I was living in the city which is close to there. I also want to see there is a difference between them. soa natural?

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