Questions about example sentences with, and the definition and usage of "Alzheimer"

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Q: Alzheimer's may appear to be just the symptom of forgetfulness, or may be marked as mild disease but it actually contributes to the onset of death due to cognitive decline. The most devastating is that there are some drugs that can treat them but there is no cure for them which doesn't pour hope into the patients or their loved one. This disease requires a lot of support for not only the patient but also people that are taking care of. As books suggest that there is a second victim that can be being attacked including family member, care providers around them. While I have been working as a nurse for two years I’ve had the opportunity to work in a dementia unit which helps me to understand this disease more. In terms of treating them, I strongly believe that the key is to be in their shoes and understand that the disease causes them to act in a certain way. As their cognitive function declines, I would rather give simple step by step instruction than complication instruction with luck of hurry manner. Lastly as they are very sensitive to sounds, I would focus on de stressing them as much as I can. For example, I may play acoustic music, so they can relax and be soothed
soa natural?
A: × Alzheimer's may appear to be just the symptom of forgetfulness, or may be marked as mild disease but it actually contributes to the onset of death due to cognitive decline.
Alzheimer's may appear to [have] the [sole] symptom of forgetfulness, [and] may be marked as [a] mild disease[,] but it actually contributes to the onset of death due to cognitive decline.

× The most devastating is that there are some drugs that can treat them but there is no cure for them which doesn't pour hope into the patients or their loved one.
✓ [One of the] most devastating [parts of an Alzheimer's diagnosis is] that there are drugs that can treat [and slow down the disease itself,]  but there is no cure for [the accompanying cognitive decline] which [can drain] hope [from] the patients or their loved one[s].

× This disease requires a lot of support for not only the patient but also people that are taking care of.
✓ This disease requires a lot of support for [the patient, as well as those surrounding them].

× As books suggest that there is a second victim that can be being attacked including family member, care providers around them.
✓ [Books [have suggested] that [Alzheimer's patients may attack people,]  including family member[s], [or the] care providers around them.

× While I have been working as a nurse for two years I’ve had the opportunity to work in a dementia unit which helps me to understand this disease more.
✓ [During my two year career] as a nurse[,] I’ve had the opportunity to work in a dementia unit which helps me to understand [the] disease [better].

× In terms of treating them, I strongly believe that the key is to be in their shoes and understand that the disease causes them to act in a certain way.
✓ In terms of treating them, I strongly believe that the key is to [put yourself] in their shoes and [remember] that the disease [is what] causes them to act in a certain way.

× As their cognitive function declines, I would rather give simple step by step instruction than complication instruction with luck of hurry manner.
✓ As their cognitive function declines, I [prefer to] give simple[,] step by step instruction[s rather] than [being unnecessarily overcomplicated]. 

× Lastly as they are very sensitive to sounds, I would focus on de stressing them as much as I can.
✓ Lastly[,] as they are very sensitive to sounds, I would focus on [keeping them at ease] as [best] I can.

× For example, I may play acoustic music, so they can relax and be soothed
✓ For example, I may play acoustic music, so they can relax and be soothed[.]

Anything I corrected or changed I put in "[ ]".

Hope this helps. : )

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